Orbs of Light

Orbs of Light

The spiritual worlds are delivering a message to you. You may have already heard it, through telepathic reception, and mistaken it for your own thought. Yet it is inspired by your higher guidance, those spiritual beings that love you without condition. It is an answer to a question and guidance to increase your happiness.

It is possible to pray without realizing it. The Universe is lovingly listening to every thought and feeling in your heart and mind. When you intentionally speak to the Universe and ask your higher guidance to help you with an issue, this is a powerful way to call the light into your life. It works. Often quite rapidly! However, sometimes we ask for help without being aware of doing so. Worrying about an issue or pondering a question are ways this happens.

There are orbs of light around you. They are spiritual beings that love you. These orbs contain information and energies that help answer questions – and worries – through the intelligence and love of the higher spiritual worlds. That information might come through a song, a phrase, a feeling or a color or symbol that unlocks awareness in the deeper recesses of your mind and body.

Orbs are always around us, but appear in more concentrated form – both in quantity and quality – in certain places and at certain times, including when your energy is in a particularly soft and receptive, high frequency state. Orbs naturally gravitate towards high energy. This doesn’t mean you have to be on the go constantly. Higher energy can be created, when you are very still, by raising your frequency to a higher vibrational state. You can do this by regularly meditating on love and healing. You can place yourself in a state that is most attractive to orbs of light by relaxing, opening your heart and feeling good. You are also most likely to perceive them around you in this state, which can be a fun and beautiful experience. Orbs are often only seen in photographs, where they appear as soft balls of light. If they are enhanced and magnified, patterns, symbols and faces can sometimes be seen within them. This is part of the loving genius of the spiritual world – the way that light can reach the earth in form, helping to raise frequency from fear to love.

Being in nature and doing some invocations to unconditional love creates an energy that is very attractive to orbs. So is group work based in love, such as meditating together to clear a sacred space in nature, then dancing and praying together in that space with joyful devotion to love. This attracts high-level guidance because a group can be a container powerful enough to generate and hold the higher frequencies of love. This can also happen for individuals, but group energy can be a powerful and effective way to attract a great downpour of spiritual grace. Clearing the energy of your home and calling in higher guidance to bless you and your home each day, perhaps with the invocation below, will also create a space in which orbs of light can more easily visit you, bringing their uplifting energy and healing light.

To access the information of these orbs of light, to be open to seeing them more clearly, whether directly with your own energetic vision through clairvoyance, or through photographs or other means, you can use the invocation below.


I call upon the unconditionally loving orbs of light. Please bring me information, healing energy and joy, as I open my heart to the loving presence of the higher spiritual worlds, here and now. I ask to see, feel and know the loving intelligence of the orbs of light in ways that are relaxing, encouraging, joyful and kind. I ask for the orbs of light to bring peace and blessing to this space, to consecrate it as sacred and to protect it so that only energies of light, love and higher consciousness may enter. May the unconditionally loving orbs of light bless all those who can benefit from their presence. Through divine love and my own free will, so be it.

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