Pillar of Light
Pillar of Light

Pillar of Light

Descent of the Star of Isis

Beings of Light and Divinity are calling you now, they wish to connect with you more strongly and you are being guided to strengthen your energy field to allow more of the Divine Light that seeks you to flow through your body safely, and into expression.

Beloved Initiate, you are called to allow more Divine Energy and light to emanate from your body, to help build your light body so that the love and healing of the cosmic feminine energies of the Star of Isis can descend through you, offering healing light and assistance to humanity, and setting your own heart and Soul on fire with Divine Love and passion.

It is suggested that you first build and strengthen your natural pillar of light within your energy body, like building a broadband cable, so that you can receive energy transmissions into your being more easily. Without such preparation it would be like trying to run high voltage electricity through wires that were not equipped to handle it – some fire and damage would occur and the practice would not be safe or sensible.

The pillar of light is the energy tube of pure white light that connects the Soul star chakra above your head and the Earth star chakra beneath your feet. The Star of Isis will descend from above your Soul star chakra, pouring in grace, light and healing power, until it eventually flows like a river into your Earth star chakra, blessing the Earth through your body.

The Star of Isis – also known as Sirius – rests in a state of bliss, joy and has a Soul presence of heart, great strength and stunning spiritual light. This is the consciousness seeking to manifest more fully in service through you now, beloved Initiate. You are becoming more and more ready to sustain such high vibrations.

If you pulled the Oracle of the Lady of the Stars as well, then you are encouraged to start this practice on a daily basis as soon as possible. There are higher frequencies waiting to connect more consciously with you for spiritual enlightenment, healing and guidance but you will need to prepare your energy field for the connection so the energy can flow without undue stress or strain on your body.

Once you start this practice, you will get a sense of how often feels right for you. If you do it too often, perhaps more than once a day, you may feel light-headed or ungrounded, too hot or cranky, hormonal or overheated inside, out of balance emotionally and just not enjoying your practice! Moderation will lead you more quickly into success.

It is recommended that you attempt this practice no more than once per day and for several minutes at a time, building up to however long feels right for you. As you grow, you will feel the light descending and the energy ascending more and more strongly in your physical body. At first you may feel energy or you may not, and that is fine. The exercise will work and your awareness of it at a conscious level will grow with practice.

You will also find that, like a better internet connection, as you continue with the practice your ability to be in conscious communication with your spiritual guidance, to channel healing and other spiritual activities such as meditation, will be stronger, clearer, easier and more powerful.

Remember to have mercy if you are using these abilities with others. They may not be used to the degree of electricity that is coming through you and you want to facilitate good, not cause harm to the person you are helping. Staying in your heart, don’t be attached to being powerful and allow the Divine Lady Isis to manage the power that flows from you to another by asking for Her help in unconditional love.

Pillar of Light as the Star of Isis Descends

Rest quietly in a space where you will not be disturbed and close your eyes.

Imagine deep beneath you in the Earth there is a ball of radiant light. It rises up through your body, connects with your heart and then flows out through the top of your head until it reaches a ball of radiant light hovering above your head.

The light above your head begins to flow down to your heart, and continues on until it reaches the ball of light beneath your feet in the Earth.

Allow this pattern of light ascending from the Earth to the heart and out through the crown and descending from the crown to the heart and down into the Earth to continue for several moments, breathing easily as you intend this to happen.

After a few moments, you become aware again of the light above your head, and this time, of a light beyond that. It glows and radiates great love. Allow this light to descend a little towards the crown of your head and towards your heart. Allow as much or as little of this light as wishes to come, trusting that it is intelligent and will flow with wisdom.

When you are ready, imagine that the light beneath your feet in the Earth becomes like a magnet, pulling all the light that has entered your being from above deep into the Earth. Breathe into your heart and when you are ready, just open your eyes.

Incantation for the Pillar of Light

You can say this Incantation at the beginning of your day for protection and growth and it is a good practice to say it after a difficult meeting or exchange with another where you feel some negativity may have passed between you and you wish to be cleansed and centered in your own clear light once more.

Pillar of Light Burning Bright

Earth Star Below Soul Star Above

Burn away all that is not Light

Transform all into unconditional Love

Star of Isis descend

Your blessing and peace without end

Grace me now with peace and protection

Completely embraced by Divine Perfection

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