The Second Ray of Wisdom is a consciousness of loving wisdom straight from the heart of the Universe. It amplifies the magnetic power of attraction, empowering you to pull into your life all that is needed for your life's work. It brings the opportunity to heal, restore and understand through the power of love and the light of ancient wisdom.…

The limits that much of humanity place upon their love - that they will love their own family, country, religion or community better than they love those on the outside - do not restrain your heart. You are capable of loving humanity, of loving all creation on Earth, as an extended spiritual family. You will love all as your own.…

You long for the free and open worlds of Spirit and light, yet you also yearn to experience the healing power and divine joy of sacred sound and living color. You are meant to bring joy, beauty and comfort to this world, to share the spiritual light. To do so, you need grounding. Your dreams want you just as much…

Have you been rushing out to meet others, trying to bend or accommodate their needs at the expense of your own wellbeing and inner peace? Now you are to strengthen your own energy, your own boundaries, to find your ground, firmly place your feet there and do not move. Feel your feet anchoring you like a beautiful tree. Let yourself…

You have been wondering what will happen next in your life, not realizing how much power you have to decide that for yourself. What do you wish to have happen next? Are you willing to use your divine birthrights of free will, voice and empowerment to set the cosmic wheels in motion? If your answer is yes! then it is…

You have talents within that have been developed through many varied life experiences. You have had many lifetimes already, even if you don't recall them consciously, helping you evolve and grow into the loving being that you are today. You desire to grow into consciousness and spiritual power, to assist the divine plan unfolding throughout the Universe, is heard and…

The Fourth Ray of Harmony comes to you now with the qualities of beauty, harmony and balance. It empowers you to complete a spiritual initiation. Any conflict you experience now serves your divine purpose. It will eventually become the fuel you need to be born anew. Something negative will be transformed into something positive. The Archangel Gabriel helps you to…

The spiritual worlds are delivering a message to you. You may have already heard it, through telepathic reception, and mistaken it for your own thought. Yet it is inspired by your higher guidance, those spiritual beings that love you without condition. It is an answer to a question and guidance to increase your happiness. It is possible to pray without…

Being open to receive is a way to gain empowerment, strength and all manner of assistance. To enhance receptivity, it can be helpful to de-clutter and cleanse your energy field. This allows for that which is not rightfully yours to be shed. Sometimes, this will include the disowned thoughts and feelings of others. When you release these thoughts and feelings,…

The Third Ray of Creative Intelligence brings the gift of practical spirituality and develops the talent for grounding inspired creativity into the world. It empowers your manifestation. This ray brings many gifts, including new ideas and the practical support needed to bring them to life, the ability to organize, make connections and networks and synthesize information from various sources into…

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