Rising Sun

Rising Sun

The Divine Solar Child Reborn

A dark phase and struggle are over. A new phase is upon you, one of hope, glory, light and triumph. It is won through boldness, persistence. Even when you felt like giving up, you chose to stay strong, to surrender to the Divine and continue with the path. You have been through much and now, victory is upon you beloved, for the Divine Solar Child, a new consciousness within you, is born.

As we journey into the Ancient Feminine, there are many, many times when we meet Her Dark Face. we must be patient, accepting, allowing. Often what we meet are the difficulties of birth, literal and symbolic. We might feel great emotional or physical pain, spiritually bereft, alone and yearning for deeper union, perhaps even wondering is what you seek could be a genuine experience, or if it is the stuff of daydreams and fantasies.

During times of despair and struggle, we come back to our hearts, searching for faith within, searching for signs to support us as we take the long journey down the spiritual birth canal, into Love in even greater expression.

It might take us weeks, months, or many, many years to birth ourselves over and over again into more of our Divine Essence. Some birthing processes that are deeply profound will feel as though they take most, if not all, of our lifetime on this planet. At another level, many lifetimes will constitute one birthing process.

However, no matter hoe much we encounter the inner workings of the womb of the Divine Feminine, there are always moments of entering the light of birth into a new world, as a new being, into a reality transformed. These moments are precious and herald the beginning of a new level of divinity expressed, often in deeply creative new ways. The Divine Solar Child being born brings new light into your life, likely to express itself in multiple forms. Revived and new relationships, new inspiration and opportunities in your work and spiritual life, more love and enjoyment, new or more energized community, greater well-being and experience in your body, creative abilities that you didn’t even realize you had opening up effortlessly as you surrender to allow the body and creative faculty to flow – these are some of the gifts that are given to you by the Universe at the “cosmic baby shower” for the birth of the Divine Solar Child! The sweetness of the gifts of this new life make all that came before it so sacred and worthwhile. To honor and accept the past, and the courage it required of us, and yet to accept that it is now time to turn our face to the light and partake of the fruits of our inner labors is what this Oracle ordains.

Symbolized by the headdress of cow horns with a golden disc within, worn by Egyptian Goddesses, including Isis, and the symbolism of Isis nursing her Divine Sun Child Horus at Her breast, the Oracle of the Rising Sun brings with it a new day, dawn, breakthrough, end of struggle, and the genuine and stable birth of optimism and hope for you now.

Ritual of the Rising Sun

This Ritual is best done at sunrise, which makes it extremely special and potent. If you cannot do this physically, you can visualize the sunrise and the guided exercise below.

Take yourself to a place where you can watch the sun rise. Have a wrap with you to keep you warm during this cool time of transition. If you are at the beach, or sitting in a natural setting, or even on the floor, be aware of the Earth beneath you, the texture and temperature. Allow yourself to sense and feel the Earth through your bottom and legs, be aware then of your belly and you breath, and slowly draw your awareness to your abdominal area, where your inner Sun shines. Feel the energy there, imagine feeding it with the light, color and energy of the Rising Sun. Let the energy on your solar plexus grow and reach to the belly and the heart. Observe the sun rising. Stay with your solar plexus, your belly and your heart. Don’t think, just feel and receive.

When you are ready, open your hands, palms facing upwards and slightly outwards, towards the rising Sun, and very slowly, raise your arms, as though you can cup the Sun in your palms, raising your arms slowly in celebration, joy and acknowledgement to the Sunrise.

Say aloud, “I honor the Rising Sun within, without, new life I honor now!”

Let there be life, hope and optimism in your heart. When you are ready, lower your arms, and you may like to finish the Ritual with the incantation below, and enjoy some drumming, dancing or yoga n the fresh light of the new dawn.

Incantation of the Rising Sun

You can say this Incantation to close your Ritual or as a separate prayer of hope and optimism any time your spirits need to reconnect with joy.

Rising Sun, I AM your Solar Child

I bask in your love free and wild

I am filled with your hope endless and free

Your light and love fills all parts of me

The darkness cast away, joy is now born

With the sweetness of this spiritual dawn

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