Abundance of Sothis
Abundance of Sothis

Abundance of Sothis

Stellar Blessings of the Celestial Goddess of Abundance

Abundance in many forms is flowing to you now, beloved. Intend right now to receive it. Just decide to do so in your heart this very moment. The Oracle of the Abundance of Sothis comes as guidance to expect increased flow and to continue your good works of building channels through which abundance can be delivered to you. Freely share your talents, love, wisdom and Self and enjoy the abundance responsively flowing to you, in many forms, over and over again.

Abundance comes to you now, dear Initiate. If you have been through a time of restricted circumstance, materially, financially, socially, in terms of health or relationships, opportunities, fun or friendship, then this Oracle indicates that the tide is turning and an upsurge of wealth, health, abundance and more are coming to you now. After an experience of restriction, perhaps for a prolonged period, you will very much enjoy this new and improved flow of energy, support, compensation and reward.

With your heart open, your many channels are ready to receive the influx of abundance, and your innate belief that you are worthy to receive, you attract great support from the Universe now. Channels for receiving grace in all its forms are created when you follow your heart and do your part to be ready and prepared to receive. Preparation is an important part of abundance in all forms and you can enjoy your abundance to the fullest extent when there are containers for it to be held within. Those containers will be practical ways for wealth and other forms of abundance such as great relationships to be a part of your world.

Your channels might include new creative works being formed, seeking networking opportunities with others in your field so that there are ways for people to find you and the work that you offer, for example, or joining classes or groups that allow you to meet others, following up your intuition or instincts in even small seemingly unrelated situations.

The containers will be created not only from the practical steps that you take but from the intention, vibration and resonance behind them, which means your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes all count. If your desired abundance is wealth, then start to really shift your identity and thoughts from a place of restriction to a place of relaxation and willingness to take care of your money so that you create a strong container for the flow of abundance to reach you. If you desire a loving Soul mate relationship or deeper friendships, becoming more of the person yourself that you wish to experience in others, as well as affirming that you have value and much to offer and are willing and worthy of receiving from others will create powerful channels through which you can receive the abundance of love and good community that Sothis can bring to you.

The Goddess of Celestial Abundance, Shining Stellar Mother Sothis, will bless you with all you can possibly receive, so allow yourself to act in faith, be brave and take steps to ready yourself right now.

Make sure you harvest your crops to create even more channels through which abundance can flow to you, clearing out the old, completing and preparing the ripe crops for nourishment. This may mean revising, finishing and bringing to fruition old projects, or deciding to let them go completely if they do not feel right to pursue any further. It might mean seeking fresh input or collaboration on certain projects or feeling any sadness, guilt, grief or anger over unfinished projects and letting them go completely. There may be still other projects that you feel in your heart are right for you, but not just now, and so they are released to percolate further in the cosmic womb. With this greater creative clarity and organization, your channels for abundance will be clearer and more receptive and Sothis will have all the more room in which to bless and fill you.

This Oracle wishes to bring you great blessing. The Ritual below will help you move into the best place within to receive it fully.

Abundance Ritual of Sothis

Lie comfortably and close your eyes, focusing on your breath and allowing awareness to dwell within, deeper and deeper as you relax, focusing on the rise and fall of your belly as you inhale and exhale.

Allow yourself to become aware that above you is a great star. It is brilliant silver and magnificent. Feel the energy that pulses around it, nuclear, powerful and vast. It is cracking with aliveness and potency. Many other planets, stars and moons are supported by the power of this great star. It feeds them with energy and life, as a spiritual Sun.

Be aware that you are floating in a silver river of light in the darkest galaxy, now heading closer towards this Sun. You feel the river of light beneath you, filled with love and power. It naturally guides you towards the star. As you get closer, the river rises and expands, becoming vaster and wider, full of life energy directly from the spiritual sun Sothis.

Allow the River to nourish you with the perfect balance of cool and warm energies. Feel yourself rising and falling with the natural flow of the river of light underneath and all around your body, holding you firm and safe. Imagine being cleansed by the river, letting go of any energy that is not aligned with abundance, and strengthening all the energies already within you that are aligned with abundance.

Breathe deeply in and exhale using your voice to really let go. As you exhale you release into the river, and as you inhale, draw in its loving power and light.

You become aware that the river is merging now with the edges of the star. You feel such peaceful bliss as the energy of the Star of Sothis pours into your being. You feel the beliefs that were incorrect and based in fear falling away and you see and know things differently. There is no explanation or analysis, there is just deep heartfelt knowing that all is just fine and there is no need to worry or fear. You are loved. You are safe. You are supported. You will never be abandoned, lost, ignored or forgotten by the Divine. You are not separate from the beauty an light of this great Star, you have this within you already, you just need to feel it and remember!

Eventually you feel that you can move on the river of light back towards your life on  Mother Earth without losing your feeling of the Sothis within. The river flows and you feel yourself passing through the belly of the star, in utter bliss, then through the edges of the star on the other side, peacefully and gently flowing on the river, from the star towards the earth.

The river, with you in it, begins to flow into your life on the earth – emotionally and psychologically, spiritually and physically. There is no part of your life that is not blessed by this river and the light within it.

Be aware of the Sothis light in the river flowing into any part of your life that needs more abundance, healing or prosperity in particular. Allow that part of you and your life to be blessed by the sacred celestial river. Again it is washing and carrying healing into that part of your life, filling it with sacred healing energy and blessing.

Enjoy this feeling for a few moments and when you are ready, say, “I give thanks to Sothis, giver of abundance and healing, for your generosity, blessing and gifts of abundance now in all parts of my life. Thank you, beloved, for your nurturing!”

When you are ready, just open your eyes.

You may like to finish your practice with the incantation below.


This incantation will help you move back into peace and out of stress if you are worried about lack of abundance and feeling yourself getting caught in a pattern of negativity and struggle. Place your hand on your heart and speak from the heart.

Star of Sothis, you bless me with abundance and peace

My wealth on all levels does increase

Through many channels I receive your flow

With wonder and gratitude I watch my wealth grow

I release all fear and doubt that would block your grace

Instead I focus on your shining Stellar face

And realize the love and safety within

The flow of great abundance now does begin

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