The Dark Mysteries
The Dark Mysteries

The Dark Mysteries

Enter the Chamber of the Dark Goddess

The Dark Goddess calls you to Her inner chamber where She holds a test and a gift for you. The test is your willingness to meet and release the fears within that have been secretly holding you back. The gift is freedom, peace, opportunity and prosperity in all its forms. Will you accept Her call? Your time for deeper initiation is here.

When the Dark Goddess calls you, it is a life-changing experience. It is not always easy but the rewards for those brave enough to answer Her call and enter Her inner chamber are tremendous indeed.

The rewards are a life lived more fearlessly, the gift of loving and being just who you are in truth, without having to impress or bow to another out of fear of rejection. It is a more open and expansive way to live and it attracts the bounty of the Dark Mother, Her gifts of love, opportunity, peace and prosperity, well-being and wisdom. It takes a strong Soul to go through this test and into the liberation it delivers, but you are ready, dear Initiate of the Light.

The Dark Goddess call you to initiation when you have been working on your own shadow, bringing your whole self to light. During such times, we often need help as shadow work  can be uncomfortable, painful or just quite difficult to undertake as we are working with unconscious material, trying to bring it into the light of our conscious awareness. Working with the shadow, the parts of us that we have deemed unlovable or the parts that seem too marvelous to actually be us requires courage. The Dark Goddess will call you when your own shadow needs healing and integration, when something within is holding you back when instead, if acknowledged and brought into the light of awareness, it could actually help you move forward.

Often the shadow element that needs integration when the Dark Goddess is present is power in some form or other. It may be personal power, spiritual power or your relationship to power that needs to change for you to blossom and for life and its gifts to manifest more abundantly for you. Becoming more powerful does not necessarily mean gaining more force. More often for advanced souls it actually means surrendering our will into alignment with greater forces of Divine Will, allowing us to consciously participate in the flow of life, sensing the signs and nudges that lead us towards our greatest manifestation of Soul in this lifetime.

Often when we are reclaiming our power and defining for ourselves what it is to be powerful, we are confronted with fears of loss, failure, abandonment and rejection. It can be painful at times, but accepting and releasing the pain brings such deep relief and happiness to the Self. It is good to confront these fears with a loving and firm approach and be open to taking risks in growing anyway.

This is what Isis as the Dark Goddess teaches us – not to be afraid to go into the dark places and the difficult feelings within. They may seem ugly at first, yet if we allow ourselves to go there with some conscious awareness in place, we can realize that these parts of us just need love and acceptance, and those parts that we once reviled often blossom and turn into our greatest assets, in a more conscious, helpful version of themselves!

We need radical trust to do this inner work and take Her initiation. The Dark Goddess will support and nurture you through Her tests as She guides you to receive the gift of more of yourself, no longer shackled in fear and hidden away, but ready to be in the world, with brightness and vigor.

Entering the Inner Chamber of the Dark Goddess

It is best to do this Ritual either at night or in a room where you can pull down blinds and curtains and create a darkened physical space in which to rest. It doesn’t have to be pitch black, but limited lighting will support your Ritual process. You will need a small mirror and enough light to be able to just see your reflection.

Sit or lay quietly in a position that is comfortable, where you can be relaxed but still alert. Falling asleep can be quite healing, but the intention at least is to be responsive in this Ritual healing process in a conscious state.

Sitting quietly, take your awareness into your heart and feel the warmth and love there. Say aloud, “I open n unconditional love to my whole self and ask for healing, grace and protection from those Divine Energies that love me unconditionally.”

Lightly hold the mirror and gaze at your reflection. Be comfortable and allow yourself to soften your gaze, but really seek to look within your own eyes from a place of love. You deserve this, without question.

Say to yourself in the mirror, “I love you enough to meet the parts of you that have been hidden away in fear, shame, guilt or anger. I am not afraid of you. I am sorry for any time I have pulled back from you in fear. I am here with you now and I love you completely. I want you to feel whole and loved. You deserve to feel whole and loved. Will you let me love you in this way, with the help of the Goddess?”

Place the mirror down and close your eyes, going into your heart and listening for an answer.

If you do not feel a “yes” within, then use the Incantation listed below instead and come back to the Ritual again and again over the coming days and weeks until you do receive a “yes” from within your own being. Be patient, trusting and honest. When you are ready, the healing will happen far more quickly than if you were to try and make it happen before you are ready.

If you do feel a “yes” from within you, then continue the Ritual.

If you are continuing the Ritual, say aloud three times, “I call forth the Dark Goddess in Her form of unconditional love, compassion, healing and support for my own spiritual growth now. I choose to enter your Inner Chamber for healing now.”

With your eyes closed, be aware of Her presence in whatever way feels right for you, whether you just barely sense it or if it is very obvious to you. No matter how strongly you can recognize Her presence, She will be with you in the most suitable way for you at the moment.

Perceive that you are going within your heart into a dark and open space. Within that space there is a doorway that leads into the Inner Chamber of the Dark Goddess. Imagine, sense or feel yourself stepping through the doorway and into the Inner Chamber. It is barely visible, but you can feel your way inside.

Rest one hand on your heart, and with the other hand, pick up the mirror again, holding it up to gaze softly at yourself, deep into your eyes again and say, “I love you. Please show me the parts of me that need to be brought to light now.”

Soften your gaze. Let your free hand rest on your heart as you look deep into your own eyes.

Just notice, without fear or judgment, whatever you may feel, think or however you may respond to this loving attention. You may feel anger, shame, sadness, doubt or deep grief. You may feel a flash of hatred or deep fear or anxiety. You may have many thoughts trying to distract you from really seeing yourself.

All these responses, any response, is fine. Keep your hand on your heart, stay calm and breathe. You don’t have to understand. Just stay with your heart and be loving enough of yourself that you allow whatever surfaces to surface, without believing it, disbelieving it, analyzing it or resisting it. Just experience it and then be in your heart again.

When you are ready, gaze deeply into your own eyes in the mirror and say, “I love all parts of me. I let go of shame, guilt, rage, fear or anger that would hold me back now. I release trapped energy now that will help me move forward into wholeness, through the unconditional love of the Dark Goddess.”

When you are ready, put down the mirror and close your eyes again.

Perceive, sense or intend that you are moving further into the Inner Chamber of the Dark Goddess now, descending deeper than you ever thought you could go.

It becomes so dark that you have no sense if there is endless space or not much space at all – it just is pure darkness, but it feels neutral and peaceful. Then you see a light. This light is beautiful and filled with love. Capture it into your hands and place it in your heart. Feel the warmth filling your heart as your awareness now returns completely to your physical body.

When you are ready, just open your eyes.

Incantation of the Dark Goddess

This Incantation can be repeated several times, gaining speed as you get used to the words. Feel the energy in the words as you speak aloud. You can add it to the end of the Ritual above, or if it is not the right time for you to complete the Ritual, or you just choose a shorter healing process, you can use it on its own at any time.

It is most effective if you take one moment to be in your heart, perhaps even placing your hand on your heart, when repeating the Incantation.

Sublime Isis Dark and Sweet

Through you my hidden self I meet


I honor this self and accept

No longer do I fear, shame or reject


You gift me with my self complete

Sublime Isis Dark and Sweet

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