

Honor the Light

You are a light bearer. Your soul purpose is to redress the presence of darkness on this planet through the shining light. You are meant to do this in ways that feel most uplifting to you. What brings brightness to your spirit? Do those things. How can you create a loving legacy to remind others of the light? Exploring and expressing the light in ways that remind others to seek the light, too, is a way to fulfill your divine destiny. Your light is powerful. Use it.

In A Reading

People around you, perhaps even you, can sometimes get caught up in the troubles of the world and forget to focus on the light and their own creative power. Gently, but persistently, remind yourself and others to ask for divine help. This can be done according to each individual’s belief system. Prayers will be answered. Focus on the light at specific moments each day. Place sacred objects in your line of vision so you see them and remember the light, often. You are a light worker, a light bearer, one who is divinely designed to receive and transmit light for the benefit of humankind and Mother Earth. You have more influence in situations to bring about divine conclusions than you may realize. Don’t’ be afraid to use your light in all ways possible.

Spiritual Guidance

The great creator deity in the pre-Inca tradition from the Andes region is Viracocha, who is said to have risen from Lake Titicaca during the time of darkness to bring forth light. He made the sun, moon, and the stars. In his wisdom teachings, this reminds us of the importance of creating numerous ways to experience and remember the light and to reflect it back to ourselves in the world. Creating things in our minds and our world to reflect the divine light is vital. These could be simple altars, sacred spaces, beautiful sacred objects – or it could be the act of burning incense, playing beautiful music, doing a daily practice of meditation and oracle readings, praying, conscious dance or art. Choose whatever it is that helps you honor the light and reinforces is as an authentic presence within your being. Through regular practice a radiance will be ignited and its flames fanned within. Our souls becomes a lighthouse to help others find their way.

Amplifying the inner light is a way to tap into your creative consciousness. Then, what you generate in this world through your thoughts and actions is what you actually want to share, that which increases hope, goodwill, happiness and peace in this world. It is said that Viracocha made humans by breathing into stones, but his first creation effort were not pleasing to him, so he destroyed them with a flood and began anew for a better result. The symbolism of this speaks of allowing our creative ideas to evolve. We do not need to be scared to let things fall away, to wash clean and start afresh with our creative intentions. We can do this daily, through prayer and other ways to honor and strengthen the inner light of spirit.

For someone like you – with a strong mind and the ability to broadcast thoughts and feelings more clearly than many around you, with a  position and purpose of spiritual influence at a soul level – it is essential that you bring your mind and way of being back to the light many times each day. If you get into a dark mood, it doesn’t only affect you. It may well bring down many others. Even if you are alone, hiding from the world under a bundle of blankets, your darkness doesn’t go unnoticed, unfelt. The more you grow spiritually, the more your own states of being will have an impact in this world. This doesn’t mean that you need to fear your own darkness. Rather, when it arises within you, your job is to recognize it and work through it without delay. You minimize the amount of time ad grip that you give it in your own soul, and you practice authentically bringing yourself back to the light. There is no magic in this. It is an ability born of practice.

The discipline to practice comes from a desire to be in the light. You can choose to be in the light for whatever reason. It could be simply that it feels good or that it connects you to Great Spirit and you like that feeling. It may be that being happier makes you more attractive and magnetic to what you want to experience, or you want to brighten up someone’s day, and not darken their mood with your own. You may want to show gratitude to the Divine, not discontent…and so forth. The point is, that you figure out your best motivations to be in the light, and you practice putting yourself there again and again.

Healing Process

Say this prayer aloud: I ask for divine blessing that my creations may be expressions of the true spiritual light, bringing assistance to this world. I give thanks for the gift of my creativity and of my ability to feel and know the light. May this light dwell fully alive within me, inspiring my creativity so that I am a source of loving radiance for those in need in this world. May joy always be at home in my heart. Through my own free will, so be it.

Then contemplate something that you would like to create or a feeling that you would like to experience more of in this world. Take a few moments to imagine, visualize, feel or pretend that you can build a light in your heart that holds all the good feelings and happy visions around this situation that you wish to bring to life in the world. When you are ready, imagine it rising up from your heart and flying towards the light of the sun, where it ignites into divine flame and returns to plant itself in the earth as golden seeds. Feel good about these seeds, knowing that they are strong and healthy and blessed and will grow into maturity, bringing nourishment for the greater good.

You have completed your healing process.

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