

Spirit of the Warrior

Though you yearn for peace, you recognize that, without truth, genuine peace can never be. Even if it triggers an upheaval of transformation, the need to set things right is strong in you. This is the inner drive of the spiritual warrior, the compelling soul need to uphold truth, goodness and justice. You will fight for thse things because that is your way, Spirit Warrior. Trust, see and feel the positive impact that you are making in the world. You are relentless and the Divine is within you.

 In A Reading

Do not give up. If you feel hopelessness, despair, defeat or frustration, and you wonder if it is really worth it, place your mind in your heart and your heart in awareness of what it is that is inspiring you. Do you feel alone on your quest? Look for the legions of beings in spirit and upon the earth that fight alongside you, fearless and ferocious with love. Be uplifted by your fellow Spirit Warriors, beloved ones. Feel the joy of their love and unity with you. You have access to the divine power that conquers any obstacles, wins every battle; and secures every victory.

Spiritual Guidance

From the fierce Hawaiian Koa tradition of warriors comes the word alakoa, which means ‘to cultivate the spirit of the warrior’. Inherent in this code is service to a cause greater than the individual ego. For the Earth Warrior, that means a community, cause or country. For the Spirit Warrior, service is to higher consciousness itself. For the Spirit Warrior, love is the inspiration, the purpose for the battle and the only way to win the war. Joy is a sign that the Spirit Warrior is tuned into Source, for that is the frequency which lets us know when we are in divine presence. As soon as we are in the grip of darkness, joy disappears. Although the Spirit Warrior will experience emotions such as anger, grief and fear, there is recognition that the ability to conquer lies in the present moment and that fear comes from negative fantasies about the future. In disciplining the mind and nurturing, the soul with spiritual light, the Spirit Warrior learns how to manage emotional content so that it becomes possible to be fully present.

The Spirit Warrior doesn’t have a violent soul, but does have a powerful energy and a great need to put that energy to good use as an effective action-oriented presence for higher consciousness on earth. The spirit Warrior within you needs to feel that your life is dedicated to something meaningful and magnificent, to witness the positive difference that you are creating through your actions.

Don’t allow others to stop you from unleashing this beautiful divine masculine spirit power in your mind, your soul and our world. We need you! We need men and women who can surrender to the guiding wisdom of a higher power and get things done. The moment you deny yourself the right to be bold, present, practical and engaged with the world through your spiritual truth, your mind has begun repressing the warrior energy within you. Maybe it’s your own mind that tells you that you shouldn’t make waves, or that being spiritual means never causing a ruckus or that you should just be peaceful and let go, even though you know it is your heart and not your ego that is crying for you to hold on. Maybe others are saying you feel too much or you should protect yourself and switch off from worrying about things that you can’t change. Let your voracious warrior soul gobble up such lies and use them to intensify your passionate willingness to act.

If you try to repress the bold, dynamic vitality of the Spirit Warrior within, then it cannot function as it is meant to and becomes distorted. Signs of distorted warrior energy include the eruption into inexplicable aggression towards others with cold judgment and scathing criticism, or towards yourself in self-defeating, self-sabotaging, self-harming behaviors, in violent dreams and in feelings of having one’s hands tied, needing to do something and yet feeling held back. If joy isn’t cultivated, then the warrior energy can become dark and coercive, where despair leads to loss of integrity and the ends justify any means. True Spirit Warriors eschew such spiritual lawlessness. They have compassion for all people – especially those tainted by the forces of hate. They know that it is lower consciousness that they are fighting against, and that the people damaged by it are in need of spiritual truth and fierce compassion. If a Spirit Warrior tries to fight from a place of despair and darkness, doubt and hate, the battle will become destructive to their soul. When you fight for love from a place of joy, Spirit Warrior, the battle opens your beautiful fierce heart. It uplifts your mind and empowers your soul with the might of divine grace that accomplishes all pursuits and wins every war.

Healing Process

State your warrior’s creed aloud: The enemy shall never grip me. I shall not be overcome. I am led and protected by the greatest of all Spirit Warriors who leads love’s army. My steps in the world are fierce with compassion and love in action. I waiver not, for I am a conqueror over darkness, spirit born, and empowered by the sacred. I embody the truth for which I fight. I am defended, uplifted and renewed. My hands are ever open to the replenishing power of grace. Great Spirit delivers all necessary might. Divine love’s prophecy is read, spoken, enacted in all realms. If love has not yet won, then the battle is not yet over. And so I rise!

You have completed your healing process.

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