Soma from the Galactic Heart The Divine Mother's milk of the galaxy is feeding your soul. Expansion of your horizons, your spiritual purpose and your sacred responsibilities is taking place. Divine potential within you is awakening as a higher turn of the creative spirit of consciousness. This oracle is prophecy of ascension and grace. In A Reading Your soul has…

No Good Thing Shall Be Withheld The Universe wants to express its creativity, healing and brilliance through you. It does not want to be limited to repeating what has already been. Newness needs to burst through you into startling expressions of abundant life. You are guided into unknown territory, guided to go beyond that which you have known yourself and…

Nourishment of the Soul You are granted the gifts of fertility, creativity and earthly abundance to support all needs - for nourishing body, mind and soul and to live your life fully and be capable of manifesting your divine purpose. Give yourself permission to be nourished. This includes your body and also providing your heart, your mind, your soul with…

Power Awakening I am Puma. I awaken within you the vigorous energy, fierce power and ability to act without hesitation when the moment is right. My patience and strategy, my preparation and precision, my fearlessness and decisiveness are now your own. Allow my sacred medicine to fill your soul and bring courage to your heart. You have come into your…

She Guards the Waters of Life The ancient guardian mother protects the waters of life and offers her protection and blessing. Her appearance augurs a time of purification and cleansing, leading to enhanced fertility. You are a creator of new consciousness, a generator of positive energy as fuel for constructive outcomes. We need your vitalized being to keep nourishing the…

Divine Might Foretold You know what is correct. You understand that any gain which comes from denying your values and compromising yourself creates a loss of soul. There are times when t may seem as though people who act without integrity are obtaining benefit without negative repercussions. Life can seem unfair if you limit yourself to a strictly human perspective.…

The Precious and Rare Our faith and optimism are not meant to make us complacent, but, rather, to encourage us to believe that our action in the world will have a positive and real effect. There are situations where your voice, your courage and your fearless determination are needed. You will make a difference. Cast helplessness or despair aside and…

Blessings from the Sun of Hana Pacha Condor swiftly brings the will of Great Spirit to earth, through the gift of powerful medicine. Despite great odds, even in the face of what may appear to be an inevitable defeat, extraordinary triumph is at hand. This is the prophecy of resurrection, of the rising up of what is thought to be…

What Must Be, Shall Be You have beautiful dreams and inspired, bold ambitions. You are guided to believe that they are a natural expression of your soul, something that is meant to be. Life will support you in the expression of those dreams and ambitions, even in the moments where it seems to be struggle, rather than support, that you…

Mandala of the Moon I, the Lunar Mother, bring you my Mandala of the Moon to manifest through the law of magnetic attraction. My mandala is the sacred portal through which your dreams, intentions and visions shall pass into the wholeness of being, from the realm of inspiration into the world of form on earth. There is no need for…

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