Pono Pono

Pono Pono

Immeasurable Power of the Heart Way

The heart has the power to heal in a way that the mind cannot understand. Do not allow your mind to distract or frighten you. You are a beautiful child of the Universe and divine love lives within your heart. A willing heart is all that you need to transform any situation that is troubling you. Recognizing this power does not evoke feelings of pressure or anxiety, but, rather, of peace and joy. Lightness of heart and relief of mind are here for you now.

In A Reading

The Divine within your heart has the power to transform a situation that is troubling you. Do not be intimidated or think it is too much for you or the Divine to handle. Do not allow yourself to intellectualize or analyze a situation to the point of feeling confused or paralyzed. Healing through the heart on any and all issues that have plagued you or a loved one can and will happen. Let your heart feel the faith it needs to feel so that it can rest in joy. Divine healing wants to flow abundantly to you. Open up to receive it without hesitation or condition.

Spiritual Guidance

Pono, in the Hawaiian tradition, has deep and multiple meanings, one expression of which is the return to order. There is a perfection of peace, beauty and fulfillment that the Divine has planned for the lives of all beings. Through the use of human free will, we have at times moved away from what is in the divine plan, stumbled on the path and become ensnared in terrible suffering and frightening delusion. This can become contagious, infecting other souls with the poison of hate, anger and fear, and further separating our human collective from the beautiful grace that the Divine has intended for us. It then becomes difficult to use our free will with wisdom, and our spiritual disconnection can create far-reaching negative impact for others and the planet. One only needs see the pain in the world to understand this. Yet there is a simple spiritual discipline that we can practice to restore the world – and all hearts within it – to rights again.

The Divine dwells in your heart as a healing power and wisdom, which tenderly alleviates suffering, liberating the body, mind and soul. This is the Immeasurable Power of the Heart Way. In the Hawaiian tradition from which it emerges, it is known as Ho’ o Pono Pono or ‘to set things right.’ The heart power thrive through this simple four-step practice that can be done by anyone, anywhere, for any person or situation that they would wish to transform. This may seem unexpectedly easy, and it is. So why isn’t everyone just doing this and healing the world right now? This is because only those who have come far enough on their spiritual path to have placed the heart wisdom above the dictates of the mind will be able to accept the practice.

The practice itself is not something you can approach through the mind. The mind will resist it because it asks for us to take unconditional responsibility for everything that we encounter, whether it be in our own lives or out in the world, even if those situations seem to have nothing whatsoever to do with us. The moment something comes into our awareness, we are responsible for it. The mind can rebel at this, and say that it is unfair or unduly burdensome or shaming to think in that way. That is because the mind confuses responsibility with guilt and giving with deficit. The heart, though, is joyful at the prospect of spiritual responsibility, because it understands that it offers the empowerment to make a difference and that healing one helps heal all. This oracle foretells of great healing for you, as you open your heart to Pono.

Healing Process

Choose a person or situation to which you can offer healing.

Gaze at the image of the card. Recognize the heart power depicted. Place a hand on your heart, including the feelings of compassion, goodwill and wanting all beings to know that they are loved and do not deserve to suffer. When you feel that heart connection, you are ready to complete the four simple steps, without them having to make sense to your mind. Feel the truth of what is happening in your heart, as you complete the process.

Step One – I’m Sorry

Say aloud: I am responsible for this situation. I feel sorry for this. Let your heart be in compassion as you might feel the emotion that is evoked by what you are saying.

Step Two – Please Forgive Me

Ask for forgiveness. You don’t need to think whom you are asking it of, just say: Please forgive me. As you speak these words, feel the remorse you connected with in Step One. As you ask to be forgiven, those of you sensitive to energy may feel or sense a release of energy taking place.

Step Three – Thank You

Say: Thank you. Again, it doesn’t matter if you have a sense of whom or what you are thanking. Before you even say the words, you may already feel gratitude that begins to pour through you. This will increase as you say the words.

Step Four – I Love You

Again, this will evoke a response in the soul, this time an outpouring of love. You may feel this consciously, but even if you don’t, trust that it is happening. Just go with the process and say: I love you. Let yourself feel love as you say the words.

Place your hands in prayer and relax for a moment.

You have completed the healing process.

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