It is safe for you to become naked with life. This doesn’t necessarily mean stripping off and running wild in public. It does mean stripping back your beliefs, strongholds and mental or emotional security blankets so that you can live with less obstruction than ever before. Imagine the conditioning that has kept life away from you, just kept it dropping…

Do you dare to believe that what you want, is also wanting you? The genuine desires of your heart are the sacred purpose of the soul, swathed in pleasure. Yet, if you have been shamed, judged for, made to feel guilty over, or denied your natural desires or pleasures in any way, you may have developed a very tricky and…

You are the most sacred of all sacred artworks. You are bringing yourself to life now and this is how it must be. Of course, something being essential doesn’t mean it will always be easy. You must support yourself and have courage during this process. Your monkey mind is not to run the show. It might have a lot to…

There’s a thunderstorm about. It is either headed your way or just passing through now. Don’t make a thunderstorm mean more than what it is, though. You don’t have to fear it. You might even feel excitement about it. After all, a thunderstorm is just nature’s way of gathering energy together that needs to be released. With a release of…

The urge to create is the same within you as it is for the universal creator. It also has the same magical ability to draw harmony into being and to find beautiful order in chaos. This includes bringing harmony and the perfect balance of well-being into your body, mind and emotions. This is also the part of you that wants…

If we detach something from its source too soon, trying to force it to become what it is not yet ready or willing to become, we can unintentionally sap it of its strength and kill it. There is a dark wound in the consciousness of humanity which demands perfection and denies process. If you are thinking of publishers before you…

Imagine a world so infused with bliss, love and wonder that you naturally always feel as safe as a nourished, cherished baby in the arms of the universal mother. Life mothers us, with kindness, and sometimes when we need it to grow, through challenge as well. Accepting this mothering – in its gentle and fierce faces – can be difficult…

Your heart is big enough to dream not only for yourself, but for a new humanity. Imagine a world that is healed with respect, understanding and with community that fosters life. Even your dreams that relate to you alone will contribute positively to the greater good because that is the nature of your heart. Your heart naturally and intelligently cooperates…

You want birds to be able to fly underwater. You want love to trump power. You want humanity to relate to each other as equals and to recognize the sacredness in you and the world around you. You want to unleash the beauty that hides in even the ugliest of scenes or sentiments. You want to make possible what others…

You are being asked to honor the legacy of light that is your sacred birthright. Take nourishment and support from those that have come before you – your ancestral lines not only in blood but also in spirit. Perhaps these are the beings that have inspired and motivated you to live as a sacred rebel, from your heart and with…

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