


Planets: Pluto, Venus

Element: Earth

Chakras: Heart, Sacral

Zodiac: Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Taurus

Directions: North, Northeast, Southwest

Energy: Yin

Number: 7

Originally found in Connecticut, Kunzite is one of the youngest known gemstones, described first by Tiffany & Co. in 1902. First popularized in worn jewelry, Kunzite also became prominent in the making of some ceramics, batteries, and medicines. Used to alleviate stressful situations, Kunzite has been shown to help promote a healthy heart, while strengthening the human energy field, cleansing the aura, and healing heartaches. It can promote humility within its wearer and increase tolerance of yourself, while also promoting healthy romantic love.

Kunzite’s color has been known to fade with regular exposure to sunlight, so it’s best to keep this stone on your person or away from the sun’s rays. Best practice is to keep in a soft, velvet bag so the stone is less susceptible to breaking and scratching.

Used to create a balance between the mind and heart, Kunzite helps clear the crown chakra and encourage deeper connection with the heart and sacral chakras to help maintain overall balance within relationships with others, self, and maintain balance.

When meditating with this stone, specifically, hold it in both hands and connect yourself to Mother Gaia. Root yourself into the earth and acknowledge your ancestors, guides, spirits, and energies. Thank them for their protection as you continue the path aligned with your divinity. Place this stone against your heart chakra and breathe in its pinkish glow as it begins to encompass your heart. Feel the warmth of your heart beating against your chest and allow this warmth to spread throughout your physical body; first, to your sacral, then root chakras and into Mother Gaia through your roots, then through your throat, third eye, and crown chakras into a beam of love reaching for the sky. Allow yourself to let go of the tension in your shoulders, stress that dwells in your belly, and give it to Mother Gaia to transmute into unconditional love and grace.

Issues/Intentions: activate, awaken, beauty, beginnings, calm, communication, compassion, gentleness, grounding, personal growth, guidance, harmony, healing, introspection, unconditional love, nurture, obstacles, peace, protection, reconciliation, relationships, stress, emotional support

You can shop for kunzite here.

Disclaimer: Crystals should never take the place of any medical treatment or therapy. They are meant to be used as a complement to and in conjunction with current medical treatment or therapy. The metaphysical and healing properties listed are not guaranteed and results may vary.

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