Deep in the bed of the rivers of the modern-day Xinjiang province, sits naturally occurring White Jade, which has resided in their depths since prehistoric times. Early humanoids used many forms of Jade to create useful tools for both hunting and building since sometime from 9000 to 8000 B.C.E. Several Jades have been used as the primary substance for sculptures…

When seeking the presence of your highest divine self, seek the guidance of the stone, Vesuvianite. A beautiful earth-green helps ground your roots into Mother Gaia while forming a more direct communication pathway to ones’ higher-self, whether for life path guidance, confirmation, or help in understanding this soul’s purpose in this life. This type of Jade is often seen carved…

Element: Earth Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus Zodiac: Virgo, Gemini Planets: Moon Garnierite is found in large quantities in the United States, Australia and Madagascar, Burma, India, and Sri Lanka. An incredible stone to induce the embodiment of feminine energy, Garnierite encourages one to face overwhelming feelings that can cause exhaustion and emotional drain. It works to bring forth the sense…

Element: Air Chakras: Root, Heart, Crown Zodiac: Gemini, Taurus Planet: Mercury Number: 3 Tree Agate is a form of chalcedony within the family of agates with root-like designs wrapping the stone. When the stone was first discovered, thousands of years ago, its name Dendrite is rooted in the Greek term for “like a tree”, Dendron. Prophets of Islam wore them…

Element: Earth, Water Chakras: Root, Sacral Zodiac: Capricorn, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius Planets: Saturn, Sun Number: 3, 4 Black Tourmaline is a stone of grounding; it stimulates your Root while balancing and cleansing the energetic fields of a being or space. Through the ages, Black Tourmaline has continued to be one of the greatest stones of protection, said to repel dense…

Element: Earth Chakras: Heart, Sacral If you find yourself looking to invite intentional and insightful balance into your life or relationships, Unakite may be calling to you. Bring murky thought or action to clarity and clear blocks to your growth to allow space for rebirth and renewal into that which you know yourself to be. Discovered in the Unaka Mountain…

A North American Native, Spikenard Root grows anywhere from the center of Canada through the south to the Midwest and East Coast of the United States. The Cherokee cultivated Spikenard for medicinal purposes and taught the colonizers how to make it into a tea for backaches. The Menominee, who lived in modern day Wisconsin, used it as a cure for…

Chakras: Root, Sacral, Third Eye Zodiac: Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus Planets: Sun The original stone for navigation, Iolite is a light polarizing stone, meaning it can be used like a compass. Vikings used this violet-blue stone when the sun was hidden or set by allowing them to determine its position. Her colors may help the wearer with your own self-expression by…

Element: Water Planets: Venus Chakra: Heart Diopside is a calcium magnesium silicate formed in igneous rocks and some meteorites. More commonly found further into the Earth’s mantle, than surface, Diopside is most commonly found around the world in Russia, Italy, Austria, Brazil, Madagascar, Finland, and many others. A stone for creativity, Diopside stimulates the curiosity to learn more. It allows…

Element: Fire Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Brow Zodiac: Taurus Planet: Mars Number: 9 Rhodonite has a habit of bringing one back to their Heart center during imbalance or stressful times. Used as a stone of first-aid, her rose color warms the wearer’s heart and makes one lay their emotional wounds out and heal, regenerate, and ease burdens of…

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