Alchemical Mutation
Alchemical Mutation

Alchemical Mutation

Your spiritual growth is changing your mind, body and soul. It is very real. It is helping you fulfill all aspects of your divine destiny. It is awakening spiritual talents and attracting in new energies. This process will bring tremendous joy and satisfaction.

The body changes as light enters. Alchemy is catalyzed and transformation happens. Sometimes, the appearance of the body changes. There will be change in how the body feels, responds, acts and creates. Radiance increases. Lightness of being increases. If you have clairvoyant vision you will see the increase in light, as though the person is actually lit up from within (they are!). Spiritual abilities become grounded in the body, and the person can channel healing energy just as naturally as they would set the dinner table. The spirit becomes a living reality in the body, and the material world is experienced as an extension of the divine light.

This alchemy is an empowering gift of love. Symptoms of this process can at times be challenging. They may include headaches and other aches and pains, flu-like symptoms and inexplicable and nearly overwhelming fatigue that lasts for days – and then suddenly vanishes along with a surge of new energy. We may also experience pinging in the ears, increased sensitivity to light or sound, hormonal imbalance and hot flashes, excessive sexual energy, mental obsessions or mood swings, aggression and unintentionally harsh reactions to people.

If you have been experiencing any of the above and wondered if these, or other unusual symptoms, could be the direct result of increased spiritual energy affecting the body, then the answer is that this is very likely. You are encouraged to source whatever professional health support you need to take care of your body. Also, consider using the following simple practices to ease away the side effects of divine alchemy taking place in you.

These simple practices include getting regular rest. Additional sleep is a powerful way for the body and mind to heal and repair, integrate and reorganize. Allow time for physical exercise, which can help release excess energy, especially if you tend to feel mentally congested. Take some time away from meditation, spiritual studies or discussions and energy work. Instead, simply be in nature or rest. If you work with colors, then take a break for a short time, only working with very soft, subdued white or colorless light. If you have a tendency to push yourself with spiritual work, learning to take time off on regular occasions will help you recover more quickly and suffer less.

Finally, working with cooling energy, not cold, but refreshing, as a way to discharge excess heat, can be extremely beneficial to body and mind. You can do this by sitting in the shade or in a room that feels cool and relaxing, or even by cooling your hands before an air conditioner or fan, and then by using your fingertips to transfer cool and healing energy by lightly touching your chest, back of neck and back of your head, ears and forehead.


I call upon the beings that love me unconditionally and ask for divine grace, protection, information, assistance, intervention and healing in all ways now, as I change alchemically. May my body and mind be supported and recover with divine assistance. I celebrate the alchemy that light creates, and with kindness I allow for it to unfold in my body, mind and soul according to the guiding hand of divine love. May all those on the path of love and light be assisted to walk their path with as much joy and as little suffering as possible. Through my own free will and divine grace, so be it.

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