Spinning the Ankh, the Key of Life The Key of Life is the mysterious Ankh, the looped cross held in the hand of Isis. This Mystery is opening to you now. The Ankh portends new life being born through you now - it could be in a creative sense, or in a physical sense, in terms of health or even…

Community of the Spiritual Sisters and Brothers of the Light In community that is based in equality, respect, healthy boundaries and personal freedom, with a mutual desire for spiritual growth and honoring of innate wisdom, great miracles occur. You are a part of this community of light. At one time it existed only in the spiritual worlds, yet now it…

Awakening Divine Perception The Eye of Horus brings Divine perception, protection and insight. You are gifted with certain spiritual abilities including Divine Sight that are awakening and growing now. You have much Divine support and protection so that you may grow your abilities and serve others with your Divine Gifts. Trust you perception and know that you are divinely protected.…

Crafting Sacred Practice  Effect in the external world can be created through inner practice. Magick and Ritual can support your Divine Path now in the physical world and you are encouraged to enhance your power with regular practice. The results that you experience will encourage you to continue with the practice as you grow in power, grace, love, ability and…

Healing in the Divine Chamber of the Lady Isis A spiritual gift of healing is coming to you now. Be open, without expectation or pre-conceived notions and allow the healing from the Lady Isis, Mistress of Magick, to help you find the best solution for any situation that does not appear to be as it should be. Take your time…

Divine Creativity and Manifestation You are entering a fertile period of your life. Focus on your innate creativity and how potent this is becoming, and watch it rapidly grow! You are guided to think of yourself as a creative being and to surrender your control over how things will manifest and instead allow them to do so. Don't resist change,…

Priestess of Sirius Sirius is a celestial goddess, a star of unconditional love and wisdom at an extremely high vibration. It brings deep Soul awakening, spiritual gifts and a high capacity for Divine Service. Lady of the Stars is also an empowerment of all other Oracles in this deck. She tells you to pay attention because something significant is taking…

Enter the Chamber of the Dark Goddess The Dark Goddess calls you to Her inner chamber where She holds a test and a gift for you. The test is your willingness to meet and release the fears within that have been secretly holding you back. The gift is freedom, peace, opportunity and prosperity in all its forms. Will you accept…

Miraculous Healing of the Goddess Isis was known as a talented practitioner of the healing arts and was capable of miraculous healings. For you beloved, She offers a miracle healing. No matter how much you have struggled with a particular matter, no matter how impossible it may seem to imagine your life without this old wound, addiction, problem, relationship issue…

Uniting with the Angelic Self You have a special spiritual relationship with the angelic worlds. Part of your Soul purpose is to birth angelic consciousness and values such as fearlessness, compassion and service, into this human culture. This Oracle brings you angelic assistance and intervention, and confirmation that any impressions you may have had that you belong not only to…

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