Talismans of Potency
Talismans of Potency

Talismans of Potency

Charging Sacred Objects of Power

Sacred Tools and Objects can become an extension of your energy field, focusing your power and intention, helping you heal the split between spirit and matter, and learning to bring physical matter more deeply into light and life. You are encouraged to work with sacred materials in a conscious way to help your own healing and enjoyment of the material world as a part of your spiritual practice. Your love for the physical world of matter is a gift to the earth, too.

You are guided to cleanse and charge sacred objects to empower your energy field and accomplish your spiritual mission now. These objects might be a wand, a chalice or sword, a bowl or even a special tile with an image that you love, a statue, cloth with a beautiful design, a natural crystal or a black mirror, or a rock, shell or feather you found “waiting for you” whilst out in nature one day. If finding a gift in nature, it is wise to ask the spirit of the Earth if the item in question is intended for your healing work and if you feel it is, then of course, receive it with gratitude. If not, bless it and move on.

This Oracle is seeking to draw your awareness to your special ability to work with material objects to awaken spiritual light within them. The material world is filled with light and our loving attention can help awaken that light within form. In the same way that someone seeing the best in you, knowing what you are truly capable of, can help you reach your dreams and become that Self more fully, so too can holding an awareness that just like our bodies, the material world holds its own light and benefits from love, attention and care. This is the loving art of integrating spirit into matter and it is part of your spiritual potency and healing gift, to be able to love the physical world as an element of your spiritual journey.

Objects become talismans when they are cleansed, dedicated and charged with sacred intent. This is consecration, or the rendering of something into sacredness. Talismans are a way to enjoy a spiritual relationship with the material world. It is not a matter of not being able to work without them, but more of enjoyment and beauty of working with the material world in a spiritual way. This is also a way to heal any difficult relationship that you may have had with your mother, your body, eating and food, or with financial or physical security. It can also include difficulties in bringing your ideas into physical form, living your path in a practical and material way and any other issues that stem from a wounded relationship to matter, somehow seeing it as less than spirit. What wonderful and varied healing effects talismans can bring to us! It all start with the honoring of light in matter, the sacredness of the material world.

If you have been considering working with crystals for healing, or tarot cards or physical tools for spiritual growth, you are encouraged to do so by the Oracle of Talismans of Potency. They will help you grow and empower you.

If you have an object in your space that you have been thinking of cleansing, perhaps a crystal or piece of jewelry, this Oracle encourages you to do so using breath, salt, moonlight or sound, as you so choose. Remember that objects in the material world hold vibrations, too. Cleansing with love and intention to dissipate negative energy is a way to care for the material world, helping awaken the light within it.

If you have been considering building sacred jewelry or purchasing a crystal or other healing tool, you are encouraged to do so and to learn to work with it. The Oracle of Talismans of Potency supports you in honoring the physical world and its beauty in your life in this way.

Ritual Cleansing and Charging for Talismans

Have your sacred object with you that you wish to dedicate as a talisman. Have a piece of silk or cotton or other natural fabric or lovely patterned material ready to hold your object after the ceremony.

Say aloud, “I call upon the beings that love me unconditionally. I call upon my own Soul light for clear intent, power, peace, protection and unconditional love. Bless this Ritual. May all within it be for the greatest good. So be it.”

Pick up your sacred object with your left hand and hold your right hand above it.

Say, “I give thanks for you, I give thanks for the service you will render and I honor your with care, attention and respect. I cleanse you of all negative energies now.”

Breathe in deeply and then do three fast exhale breaths swiftly over the object visualizing negative energy being blown away on the breath.

Focus on your heart and the crown of your head being filled with light and the light flowing down through your hands and feet. Visualize the light flowing from your body, along your right arm – half of that energy remains circulating in your body for healing and wellness while the other half pours out of your right hand, into the object until it is filled with light, so much that the light flows out from it and surrounds it.

Say, “You are cleansed, you are charged with Divine Light of intent – my intention is for (add here your intention for this piece – examples are healing, abundance, strength, clarity, love, power and so on). May this intention manifest for the greatest good and in unconditional love, through my own free will, so be it!”

Keep sending the light then repeat the following incantation below.

After three repetitions, wrap your object in a silk or cotton piece of fabric and keep it out of regular view for sacred usage and respect. It is best to re-do this exercise if this piece is used a lot for healing or handled by another.


You can say this Incantation to bless an item during your Ritual or for a mini blessing and cleansing at any time.

Sacred Object from the Earth

You are cleansed now from negativity

You are clear and pure light of eternity


Sacred Talisman now become

You are charged with light of perfection

You are blessed with Divine Intention


Sacred Talisman I honor your power

This is your task for every hour

(and repeat your intention here – for example –

Cleanse and protect my energy field with a shield of impenetrable violet light).


Through my own free will

With gratitude in my heart so full

So be it.

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