Serpent of Fire
Serpent of Fire

Serpent of Fire

Priestess of the Serpent Sisterhood

Isis, Priestess of the Serpent Sisterhood and Queen of the Serpent of Fire, guides you through transformation now as your energy field grows stronger and old energies are burned away in the process of your growth. Trust that you are growing and are more capable than you have been previously. Do not assess your current ability based on past standards, as they no longer apply to you. You are stronger and more powerful now than you have been before. You need to learn afresh what you are capable of – and Isis helps you now.

The Serpent Head Piece of Isis represents the inner fire serpent or Kundalini as it rises in accordance with spiritual growth and empowerment. This happens when the time is right and we are ready. It is important to realize that as you inner energy and power is growing now, you will need to get used to new levels of strength. This means that you will need to adjust your own sense of your own abilities to meet your new levels of energetic empowerment. You will need to realize you are capable of more than you previously were and also you may need to temper your behavior to take into account the great power and effect of your words, thoughts and actions.

When you grow stronger, your words, thoughts, actions and intentions gather potency, more so than before. Your responsibility for what you put out into the world grows, too. In the same way that a drop of water causes less movement that a Tsunami, your emotions and words will have a bigger effect because the energy behind them, your Serpent of Fire, is awakening.

Isis can help you manage this process so that what you put out into the world comes from a place of wisdom and love, service and compassion, healing and awareness.

One of the first lessons this card offers you is the recognition of your power. It is perilous to underestimate your spiritual power, as you can unintentionally create harm by not realizing that your actions and words have an effect on the world around you, and the effect of those actions and words come back to you multiplied as karmic return. Serpent of Fire calls you to become aware of your power by having an open and curious awareness and noticing with detachment and clear perception, the signs of confirmation that you do have an effect upon your surroundings. You can then manage your power with greater wisdom.

If you have pulled this Oracle along with the Eye of Horus, then you must be particularly careful with your thoughts, asking that any negative thoughts be cleared when you catch yourself thinking in such a way. Your mind has a lot of power and sending negative or vengeful thoughts toward another, even if just in a rash moment of anger, can be harmful to them. If you catch yourself doing this, it is extremely wise to go into your heart and apologize to them and send them love, even if it is just someone walking down the street or driving a car, and the entire process happens in only a matter of seconds.

The second lesson of the Oracle of the Serpent of Fire is to trust in the process of the inner fire and what is being burned away. Just as the serpent sheds a skin to reveal itself anew, there are changes happening inside of you and some old identities, beliefs about yourself and others, old habits or patterns of behavior that will not survive the growth into the new expression of you. Whilst you will likely be happy to let these go, there can be uncertainty and a sense of not knowing who you are anymore as you transition between the old and new expressions of yourself. This is a sign that you are growing in a profound way and rather than something to be avoided, it can be embraced as confirmation of this growth. Lady Isis, Priestess of the Serpent Sisterhood understands that in the growth of spiritual power, old forms are burned away to allow for new life to emerge. It is safe to trust that any endings or discomfort as the familiar begins to make way for the unfamiliar in your life now are signs of your growth and are to be celebrated!

Serpent of Fire Healing Ritual

It is wonderful to do this Ritual in broad daylight under a full noon Sun if you have privacy and space to do so, otherwise doing it in a bright room or in a room that is filled with lit candles is helpful.

Stand or sit comfortably so that your spine is upright and you feel comfortable, strong and alert.

Start with the Incantation below, repeating it three times at least, gaining speed as you become familiar with the words and get into your own rhythm and pace.

Serpent of Fire, Rise Above

Filled with unconditional Love

From the base of my spine to my heart

Your ascending fire now does start

To cleanse, to release, begin, begin!

Rebirth of my Self now from within

From my heart to the crown of my head

Burning away energies dying or dead

Igniting new life, new love, new fire

Serpent of Fire, Rising, Rising Higher

When you are ready raise your arms above your head, palms facing up toward the heavens. Keeping your shoulders as relaxed as you can, place your awareness at the base of your spine, contracting your pelvic floor muscles in and out. It will feel like you are trying to stop yourself from going to the toilet. If you cannot get the physical action of this, simply intent that there be energy contracting in and out at the base of your spine, as you stimulate your kundalini energy to awaken and rise.

After doing this for at least ten seconds, say aloud, “I call upon Divine Protection of Mother Isis, Priestess of the Serpent Sisterhood, in unconditional love now, as my Kundalini, my Serpent of Fire, rises according to Her innate wisdom. So be it!”

Continue with the breathing and pulsing at the base of your spine for another ten to thirty seconds depending on what feels comfortable for you. If it still feels comfortable, keep your arms raised whilst doing this.

When you have completed your breathing, lower your arms.

Sit or stand comfortably, recognizing the sensations of energy moving in your body and when you are ready, just allow your breathing to fully relax, resting for at least a minute or so in a cooler space (if you have been standing or sitting in full sun, you may wish to sit in the shade to complete the session).

If your arms become uncomfortable above your head, or you start to feel uncomfortable heat, or any sort of discomfort physically, lower your arms and breathe normally and peacefully, and stop the contractions at the base of your spine by relaxing your breath and body, and laying on your front on the ground or floor, feeling the energy drop into the Earth.

This exercise is not recommended for women who are pregnant or menstruating, or if you have heart or blood pressure problems. Nor is it recommended if you have been unwell or are in recovery, or if you are on medication of any kind. If you fall into any of these categories, then simply repeat the Incantation below as your healing, no more than three times at any sitting. Your body is precious and it is worth taking care of so avoiding strong spiritual exercises unless you are feeling well and robust is recommended.

Incantation to the Serpent of Fire

Serpent of Fire, Rise Above

Filled with unconditional Love

From the base of my spine to my heart

Your ascending fire now does start

To cleanse, to release, begin, begin!

Rebirth of my Self now from within

From my heart to the crown of my head

Burning away energies dying or dead

Igniting new life, new love, new fire

Serpent of Fire, Rising, Rising Higher

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