Ascended Master Jesus Christ & Rosophia
Ascended Master Jesus Christ & Rosophia

Ascended Master Jesus Christ & Rosophia

Meaningful Sacrifice

We bring you the blessing of meaningful sacrifice. To manifest your divine destiny, there are times when “want” must give way to a greater need. It may feel as though you are being denied the very thing that you yearn for the most! However, when meaningful sacrifice is being asked of you, there is a far more generous and loving reality at play. What is being denied now, will ultimately create the opportunity for far greater gain. This doesn’t necessarily resolve the pain of unfulfilled desire in this moment, but it does soothe your soul with the understanding that if you feel denied, it is only so that your fulfillment can come about in a more extraordinary and generous expression in due course.

A meaningful sacrifice is being asked of you. It is the forgoing of a situation that you want so that another more appropriate situation, one that your soul truly needs, can come into being. This meaningful sacrifice is actually a divine blessing, although it may not feel that way initially. It is a withholding from you of that which would seduce you away from the truth of your path. The world can be most a intriguing and fascinating place. Being open and curious about life can help you feel energized and inspired. Yet if your body or mind becomes enchanted by that which is not truly meant for you, this leads you away from the path upon which you will actually find real joy, fulfillment and happiness. Such distractions – as alluring or perfect as they may seem – cannot provide the deep satisfaction for which you yearn. It may even end up causing you unanticipated and otherwise unnecessary pain which you shall then need to resolve.

When the blessing of meaningful sacrifice is bestowed upon you, you are being protected. The protection may seem like a “no” from the Universe which brings frustration, perhaps also a deep despair or disappointment to your heart. We acknowledge the suffering you may experience with tender compassion. However, there is something more for you, more suitable, more loving, more grand, more healing, more tender, more gracious, more beautiful. The Universe will not conspire with your ego to offer you less than your complete divine destiny, no matter how much you may insist that you know who or what will make you happy and how that happiness can best be delivered to you. You are loved far more than that. You are loved enough that the Universe will ensure the sanctity, safety and success of your soul. You will be guided faithfully, held back when a dead end, obstacle or worse could cause you to sway from your true path, and encouraged to keep moving forward, forgoing scraps, in order to remain hungry for the great feast awaiting you. It is not always an easy path – even if you are a very disciplined person – but understand that for this moment of sacrifice, where something difficult is being asked of you, there shall be so much rich reward. It is the delivery of the reward which the Universe is so keen to bring to you! And so whatever is needed for that to take place shall be evoked in your life.

When this oracle comes to you, at some level you are working very hard. You are going through an experience where something you want – perhaps very dearly – is being denied to you. This oracle does not say that you can never have what you want! It is bringing you the message that what you truly want and need is being delivered to you, and shall manifest with perfect divine love, tenderness, affection and, of course, timing. It may take much trust for you to accept this and you may still feel pain in the thwarting of your desire, or the hard work that is required of you right now.

With the blessing of meaningful sacrifice, however, you are being given the gift of divine reassurance and a sacred promise. This is the promise of such abundance, such love, such beauty manifesting in your life, that all discipline or loss endured shall be honored with gratitude in your heart, with the recognition that your meaningful sacrifice did indeed allow the Universe to provide for you with incomparable tenderness and perfection. The hard work that you are enduring or have endured, is going to yield so much blessing in your life. The challenge shall eventually give way into pure divine grace.

Healing Process

To integrate this guidance, you may like to say this invocation now:

I call upon the Crystal Angel of Rosophia and Ascended Master Jesus Christ who love me unconditionally. Thank you for the divine healing blessing of meaningful sacrifice. May the discipline asked of me be an opportunity for me to discover my inner strength, courage and faith. May I ne supported by love to surrender my attachments to how I wish things would be, so that the Universe may bless me with all that would cause my soul to overflow with joy. May I be protected and nurtured on my true path and divine destiny at all times. All that I unconditionally surrender to divine love attracts even greater blessings into my life. I accept the blessings that become available to me through my meaningful sacrifice. Through divine grace and my own free will, so be it.

If you wish to further integrate the guidance above, hold the oracle card with the mandala image facing inwards at the heart chakra (at the center of your chest). Relax and breathe in and out several times.

Then say the following aloud:

I choose of my own free will, through this and any lifetime, and through all layers of my entire being, to release all attachment, guilt, shame and manipulation, lack of forgiveness and anger, betrayal, abandonment and intimidation that have contaminated my experience of love and ability to trust in the Universe. I now choose to know, honor and express the purity of meaningful sacrifice, with the full understanding that a higher grace guides me, protects me, empowers me, as needed to walk my sacred life path and fulfill my divine destiny. I trust in this grace unconditionally. Through divine grace and unconditional love, so be it.

Hold the oracle card flat between your palms so you can place you hands in prayer position with the oracle card between them.

Bow your head and say:

May those of whom meaningful sacrifice is asked, fell the compassion of the Universe for their work, and access the tremendous inner strength that they need to succeed in their divine life mission. According to divine compassion and in service to the great divine plan of love unfolding, so be it.

You can finish your healing process with this affirmation, said aloud three times:

I trust unconditionally in the wisdom of meaningful sacrifice. I tap into the joy of my soul as I walk my true path, knowing that the sweet and total fulfillment offered by my own unique divine destiny is worth every effort on my part. I am brave, courageous and disciplined, and I accept the magnificent grace that is manifesting through me now in accordance with divine perfection.

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