Knot of Isis

Knot of Isis

Energetic Stabilization with the Buckle of the Beloved

Each Initiate has their own unique spiritual blueprint with particular skills, talents and higher destinies unfolding that use their unique attributes. Part of your spiritual blueprint is a special relationship to the energies of the Goddess. This means that not only do you have the important spiritual task of helping Her thrive in this world but you are afforded Her power, protection and abundance, too. You are now deepening your connection to Her.

You are under the Spiritual Guidance and Protection of the Divine Feminine. Part of your High Destiny this lifetime is to heal and flourish through the Divine Feminine in Her many forms, especially in those forms that truly resonate and hold meaning for you. This healing will happen on your personal path and may well be part of the work that you offer in service to the world (which may be simply in how you live your life).

This Oracle brings special indication that your Soul is braiding or twining with the Divine Feminine energies in a particular form. For some that will be a specific goddess and the energetic process will often be strong and deep. The Initiate will feel as if they are integrating the part of this Goddess that is not just in them, but is a part of their own consciousness. It is a deeply personal, spiritually powerful and beautiful growth experience for the Soul. This process does not make you lose your individuality. If it is happening in a genuine way you will not believe yourself to be the Goddess in question, you will instead experience Her as a part of your own being and your being as a part of Her. You will not cease to exist as an individual light and yet you will have grown more into Divine Communion with the Sacred Divine Feminine.

For others, there will be a sense of the Divine Feminine in many forms and faces and you will enjoy Her variety and vastness as you grow spiritually. You will not sense a particular goddess so much as you feel a deepening Soul connection and awakening to the Divine Feminine Principle which is the animating force behind all goddess energies.

For still others there will simply be a knowing that love for the Divine Feminine, whether a man or a woman, is a key part of your spiritual journey this lifetime. That is your important spiritual task – to just love Her and be loved by Her, living with honor and respect for the body, the Earth, and being committed to grow in conscious awareness as to how to best express that love and respect in a genuinely healing way.

Whether you feel the connection with an individual goddess, or the Divine Feminine more holistically, as your Soul braids or twines with Her, you will feel your awareness and consciousness of your own Divine Feminine nature become stronger, more integrated and a more balanced part of your life and sense of self. The body will also be integrating this shift in your Soul, as any work with the feminine energies helps bring body and Soul light together, blending the physical and inner worlds of light together until they begin to feel very connected and harmonized. Eventually as the process continues, when you feel your body, you will feel your Soul light present there. There will be no distinction between your Soul and your body. It is a magnificent, luminous, joyful state of wonder to embody. People will be asking you what you have been doing to have such a beautiful inner glow!

As an Initiate of the Divine Feminine, you are offered a sacred tool to assist you in integrating and honoring Her energies for our own benefit and for the benefit of the human collective. This tool will help your Soul blend with the Divine Feminine in higher vibration and this in turn will naturally draw body and Soul into deeper connection and harmony. You are invited to experience this sacred tool for yourself by calling upon the sacred healing and protection of the Knot of Isis.

The Knot or Buckle of Isis protects, guides and stabilizes your energy field  whilst it is in transition from one state to another. It is especially useful for spiritual growth with the feminine energies because these are intimately related to the body and the relationship between the Soul and body, creating light within the body, connecting Soul and body as one conscious, harmonious, illuminated being. The Knot of Isis is like a container that holds you together whilst inside, in a gentle way, you fall apart enough that you can be reorganized, restructured and reformed within the sacred container of the Sacred Knot. Once you are stable in your new Soul structure, the Knot is no longer needed, until the next transition point n your relationship between your body of growing light and your Soul, as they become more fully united as One.

You may call for the Knot of Isis as a symbol that you visualize or an energetic support structure that you may not perceive directly but will feel in effect – a sense of being held safe and firm to the perfect degree.

Because you are integrating high-level vibrational energies, rest and meditation, ocean swims and time in nature, as well as working with pyramids of light and crystal can assist with this Soul twining process now, too. Listen to your body-soul as it grows with Divine Feminine wisdom and trust that She will guide you, whether man or woman, deeper into your own healing which benefits us all.

This Oracle comes as clear confirmation that you are integrating high-level vibrational energy. If you have been wondering if your dreams, intuitions, goddess-related meditations and communications are genuine, then this Oracle serves as confirmation.

If you have pulled the Lady of the Stars card along with this Oracle of the Knot of Isis, the high vibrational energy that you are accessing has a celestial quality of a highly advanced spiritual civilization as well. It will have a stellar, non human quality that is loving, wise and free of fear.

If you drew the Oracle of the High Priestess as well as the Knot of Isis, then the new energy of the Divine Feminine that is being integrated by your body and Soul at this time will form a significant element of your unfolding Life Path and spiritual destiny on this planet in the future.


Ritual of the Knot of Isis

You may like to start with the Incantation of the Knot of Isis below and then continue.

Close your eyes and imagine that you are being gently rocked in a vibrant red cradle that feels safe and stable, neither too small nor too large. It is just the right size, shape and movement for you to feel perfectly comfortable. The cradle radiates the most beautiful red you have ever seen or felt, vibrant and glowing and in it you feel safe, secure and loved.

Within it, you can grow and magically the cradle grows as you do so it is always the perfect shape and size for you. Allow yourself to grow as large as you like, your energy field growing, pulsing and expanding with light and strength, with Divine Goddess energies until you feel as large, strong and potent as is right for you at this time. At all times, the cradle holds you perfectly.

This cradle is a symbol for the Knot of Isis and you are held. Stay with the feeling of this for as long as necessary and then say, “In all ways, I am held and safe, as I grow strong and take my place, in my high spiritual destiny for the benefit of all humanity, the Know of Isis supports me. In love and light, and of my own free will, so be it!”

When you are ready, just open your eyes.


Invoking the Knot of Isis

You can say this Incantation to assist with any energetic fluctuations and their symptoms such as headaches, problems regulating body temperature after energy work and times when you sense something is happening within your own energy body and just want additional support.

It is useful at the beginning of the healing visualization above.

In unconditional love I call forth the Isis Knot

I am held in love like a babe in a cot

The Buckle of the Beloved has me secure

As my energy field now does mature

The Goddess within my body and Soul

The Knot of Isis helps me grow whole

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