

Story Telling

My thoughts manifest, come to the fore,

in words, I speak, that now become lore.

It is time to tell my own colorful story;

me, my life, and all of its radiant glory.

The mystical journey is long and true,

I’ll be courageous and wander through.

Wanderer’s Wisdom

What stories do you whisper in the dark, wanderer? What stories do you whisper in the light? Spider is the ultimate weaver of creation. She has come to remind you of the power stories have over your life, mind, and destiny. Your words are spinning, creating, and binding the experiences you are having. Are they for the good, are they for the bad? Be mindful of the words spoken in the next few weeks. There can be several meanings to this card. Storytelling can be a wonderful passive experience in community or healing work, and you need to do more of it. It can also mean that you need to be cautious of the stories that others are telling you and that you are telling yourself, for they shape your reality. Do not underestimate the sounds we make with our mouths, for they are mighty! Let them be loud, truthful, and manifested.

Take Action

Speak out against any injustice. It is time for your story to be heard, speak it. Be mindful of the words unfolding around you. If so inclined, write a book. Use sound to manifest and grow your life to what you desire most. Discover what your stories are and how do they impact your life.

Spider Revealed

To the ancient Celts, spider was the holder of the threads of life that kept the clans together. In the Hopi creation story, Spider Woman is the goddess of the earth and creator of people, while a popular Cherokee tale credits Grandmother Spider with bringing light to the world. The act of weaving something so intricate as a web correlates to spinning a story or tale to captivate an audience.

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