Protect your energy as you lift your vibration and frequency. As you continue on your spiritual path you begin to lift in vibration and frequency and you continue to experience new levels of love and light. Your energy body undergoes an essential transformation. These changes in the energy body require that past pain, and limiting views of self be released.…

Flax Seed has been used for thousands of years as a staple in both cuisine, health, magick, and the production of linens and cloths. Its usefulness is presented by its Latin name, Linum usitatissimum, which translates to “thread most useful”. One of the oldest cultivated crops for humankind, Flax Seed’s uses have been passed down through traditions dating back to…

One of the oldest plants used for medicinal purposes, Fenugreek Seed continues to be used by many cultures, though its regular use as a sultry Kyphi incense is rooted in Ancient Egyptian culture, as the plant grows natively in India and Northern Africa. It was used as a spice for cooking, as well as ground and mixed into a paste…

Element: Earth Zodiac: Leo, Libra, Pisces Planet: Mercury, Venus Brecciated Jasper is found throughout the world, but found primarily in China, Africa, Brazil, and parts of the United States. A stone of strength and tolerance, it allows space for a clear mind, stable emotions, and grounds one into the Earth. Used for protection in this life and the hereafter, Brecciated…

“The smell of thyme was pungent in the air. It grew wild by the roadside. Thyme improves the memory, Joe used to say. He used to make a syrup out of it, keeping it in a bottle in the pantry. Two tablespoonsful every morning before breakfast…” Joanne Harris, Blackberry Wine Thyme leaf has been a staple in the kitchen cupboards…

Element: Earth, Water Chakras: Root, Sacral Zodiac: Capricorn, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius Planets: Saturn, Sun Number: 3, 4 Black Tourmaline is a stone of grounding; it stimulates your Root while balancing and cleansing the energetic fields of a being or space. Through the ages, Black Tourmaline has continued to be one of the greatest stones of protection, said to repel dense…

Protect your energy as you lift your vibration and frequency. As you continue on your spiritual path you begin to lift in vibration and frequency and you continue to experience new levels of love and light. Your energy body undergoes an essential transformation. These changes in the energy body require that past pain, and limiting views of self be released.…

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